10-Minute Touch Up: Create a Gravatar
The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Each week I’ll give you a task you can complete in about 10 minutes or less. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!
Create a Gravatar
Challenge: Create (or update) your Gravatar.
Why: Last week’s challenge was about breaking your commenting routine, but maybe I should have done this one first! If you’re a blogger, you NEED a Gravatar, or Globally Recognized Avatar. It’s that little image that shows up next to your name when you leave a comment on just about any blog. It does this based on the email you fill in when you leave a comment.
If you’re trying to increase readership and build your brand, it’s important that people begin to identify you by something other than a cute patterned identicon.
How to Do It
Head over to Gravatar.com. As you’ll soon see, Gravatars run through WP.com.
If you already have an account, go ahead and login. Even if you have an account under a different email address, STILL log in. You can manage multiple emails within one account!
If you don’t have a WordPress.com account, click Create Your Own Gravatar and sign up.
Once you sign in or sign up, just follow the steps to add your image. (It’s pretty self-explanatory so I’ll spare you the steps.)
If you use multiple emails, then add multiple emails. As you can see, I have four emails tied to one account!
IMAGE TIP: To make yourself more recognizable, use the same image for your Gravatar that you use for your social media accounts. When you change social media images (besides your Facebook personal profile), then be sure to update your Gravatar too!
Do It, Share It
Don’t have a Gravatar yet? Go get one then come back and leave a comment to test it out!
If you love 10-minute Touch Ups, then share this post & get others to join in. The more, the bloggier. Or something like that.