10-Minute Touch Up: Fix One Simple Mistake that Makes Brands Pass You Up
Pssst… I’m on Social Media Examiner today. Pinch me! Come see what I have to say about improving your blog’s social user experience.
The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!
Fix One Simple Mistake the Makes Brands Pass You Up
Challenge: Add your email address to your blog… In more than one place. And make it clickable. Yes, something that simple will make a difference!
Why: I can’t tell you how many times PR or blogger outreach peeps have said they’ve passed over bloggers who didn’t have an email address listed on their blog. PASSED OVER. I’ve heard it in Facebook groups, from speakers at conferences, from people doing blogger outreach for brands, and from PR reps in face-to-face conversations.
People are busy and don’t have time to search your site for contact information. You know I’m gonna say it… wait for it… ain’t nobody got time for that.
Would you want to get passed over because of something that’s so darn easy to fix?
How to Do It
1. Create a Contact Page (if you don’t already have one).
First things first. If you don’t have a contact page, CREATE ONE NOW. Then be sure to add it to your navigation menu.
2. Add a Clickable Email Address to Your Contact Page.
Some people will just copy and paste your email address, since they’re adding you to a list of bloggers to contact. Others might want to contact you right away, so make that link clickable. Just highlight your email address text, then click the hyperlink button like you would do to link to a URL. Type in “mailto:[email protected]” and click Add Link.
When someone clicks your email link, it’ll open in their mail program. You can try it with [email protected]. See?
3. Add Your Email to Other Key Pages, Too.
Don’t just stop with your Contact page! Your About page is also an important place to provide your email. If you have a PR/Advertising page, you should also have your email listed there.
No, you don’t have to add it to every page on your blog, but if it’s a page that make elicit questions or interest, then add it.
How’d It Go?
Did you have your email address on your blog already? Was it hyperlinked and in multiple places? Do tell!