10-Minute Touch-Up: Give the NEW Pinterest Analytics a Test Drive

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Quick note: I added Google AdSense to my site yesterday and mistakenly used a program that plastered them everywhere. There should only be one in the sidebar and footer right now so sorry if you’re seeing more than that. Working on fixing it!

Challenge:  Take a mini-tour of the NEW Pinterest Analytics (just released yesterday). I’ll give you three things to look at below!

Why: Because it’s ooh-shiny new! You don’t have to be a numbers junkie, but you DO have to check on stats periodically to know what’s working and where you can improve on Pinterest.

How to Do It

You MUST have a verified account to view Analytics. If your site isn’t verified, you can read how to do this on Pinterest. It might take a couple of days for it to show as verified too.

First things first… Log into Pinterest.

You should see a message above your pins that encourages you to visit the new Pinterest Analytics. Click Visit Analytics. You’ll be taken to the Analytics page which will show a high level overview of stats and pretty graphs.

While there’s a myriad of things I could show you, we only have 10 minutes so I’ll stick to three.

1. Click on Your Pinterest profile tab, then Clicks.

Scroll down and see what your most clicked pins were from the last 30 days. How many of them are pins to your own blog? Mine are only 2 of 5. I’d really like to be the majority there, so that’s something for me to work on! But 4 of the 5 are relevant to what I’m an “expert” in so that’s a plus!


2. Click on the Your audience tab, then Interests.

Scroll down past the stats to see which audience boards have “lots of your pins.” THESE are boards you need to be following. Follow those boards!


3. Click on Activity from yourblog.com, then click Original Pins.

Scroll down to see the newest pins created from your site. Follow those people or at least some of their boards! Might even drop by to say thanks for pinning it!

So far, I’m LOVING the new Pinterest Analytics. Hands down better than the old one.

Your Turn

What good nuggets did you find? Did you follow some new people? Share in the comments!

If you want an even DEEPER dive into how Pinterest Analytics can help you, Anna will be covering it in detail in our Pinning Perfect e-course. And all past & current students get access to the updated lesson! August and September BOTH sold out, so join the Interest list to be notified of the next session dates.

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