10-Minute Touch Up How to Unlike Facebook Pages

10-Minute Touch Up: How to Unlike Facebook Pages

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Clean Up Your Likes

Challenge: Dive into the deep abyss of Facebook pages that you’ve liked over the years, then unlike ones that don’t post any longer, that don’t interest you anymore, or that you just don’t… like.

Why: Well, I have a hunch you’re going to be floored at all the pages you’ve liked over the years. So it’s time to do a little cleaning. I ALSO have a hunch that with fewer pages liked, you might even see more of the pages you DO like.

How to Do It

1. Go to your Facebook Profile.

2. Click the More tab.

You’re Likes are under that long list. Click it.

3. Click on the relevant tabs to see the pages you currently like.

For some reason most of mine at in the “Other Likes” tab. And why the hey is iCarly a suggestion?!

4. Find a Page you want to Unlike.

5. Hover over the page profile image to see the Liked button, then select Unlike from the dropdown.

And no I’m not unliking Publix. I love them!

6. Don’t feel guilty.

7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 as needed.

Or until you start going cross-eyed.

How Did You “Unlike” It?

So, did you find a lot of pages to unlike? Have you ever unliked pages from your profile page before?

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