Make Someone’s Day

10-Minute Touch-Up: Make Someone’s Day (and Make Your Self Known)

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Challenge:  Send at least three of your favorite bloggers a note about how much you enjoy reading their blog

Why: This is a warm fuzzy challenge- obviously! Not only for you, but for someone else! This blogging world needs a bit of a lift every now and then.

But it’s also something more. When you send a genuine message to a fellow blogger, you put a little dot on their map. They might already know you, but maybe they don’t. It’s a good way to introduce yourself in a very casual way. Maybe down the road, you might email them to request a guest post (either on your site or theirs). Or you might be going to the same conference two months from now and want to say hello. It’s a nice ice breaker without any strings attached or requests being made.

How to Do It

Pick a few bloggers you’d like to reach out to. But don’t pick bloggers that are so into another universe that they probably won’t even read your message (like Pioneer Woman for example). It can be a blogger with a larger audience OR a smaller one.

Just write them an email! Tell them how much you enjoy their blog or how their tip last week really helped. Or that you think it’s neat that you both love underwater basket-weaving. What are the chances?! Be genuine. Be friendly. Just don’t be overly fan-girlish. :)

Are You Going to Do It?

I like to mix up 10-Minute Touch Ups– sometimes they’re very practical and sometimes they’re more like a get-out-there-and-interact challenge. Hope you enjoy this one!

Did you know Blog Clarity’s newest course, Pinning Perfect, is here! And spots are going fast. Grab yours here. (only THREE spots left for August)

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