10-Minute Touch Up The Pinterest Seek and Follow

10-Minute Touch Up: The Pinterest Seek and Follow

Ooooh, it’s a new series here at Blog Clarity!

If you like my Facebook page, you may have seen me ask which day you’d want a new series (or maybe you didn’t see it since we all know what FB reach is like). Nevertheless, Wednesday was the winner!

So, What’s the 10-Minute Touch Up?

We all care about improving our blogs, but it can be soooo time consuming, right? Not everything about blogging has to be though.

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing.

Each week I’ll give you a task you can complete in about 10 minutes or less. The task isn’t just another to-do; it’s an action to help you build community, increase traffic, improve your content, interact in social media, better your blog design, or build blog strategy. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Your first 10-Minute Touch Up? What I call the Pinterest Seek and Follow.


The Pinterest Seek and Follow

Challenge: Find 10 people who have pinned your posts and follow them on Pinterest.

Why: To grow your audience (they’ll likely follow back) and serve a little thank you for sharing your content with their followers.

How to Do It

1. Find the most recent pins from your blog.

The easiest way to find this out is to go to http://www.pinterest.com/source/BLOGNAME.com (no www). Here’s what the page looks like:

2. Scan the most recent pins to find names you don’t recognize.

3. Click on the pin image (not the name) to bring up the pin.

Clicking on the pin image brings up the pin with the “Added by” section underneath. If you aren’t following that pinner, you can do it super easily here. Just click Follow! (By the way, I know Molly already but I used her because she helped me name this series!)

4. Repeat to follow 10 total followers!

Got more time? Then also re-pin one of their pins too.


Are you up for more 10-Minute Touch Ups? I’ll have a new one each week!

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