How Did Your Blog Get Its Name?

How Did Your Blog Get Its Name?

Psst… I’m over at SITS Girls today for another blog critique so stop by!

Welcome to the Momcomm Mashup! Once or twice a month, I post a question on my Facebook page then take as many responses as possible and roll them into a post like this one! Featured peeps get a backlink, while you get tons of awesome responses from your peers. You are curious, right?

The question this time around was:

How Did Your Blog Get Its Name?

Thought you’d be curious as to my blog naming answers too so let me share!

Adventuroo sort of came to me. I wanted to have something outdoorsy/adventure related but all the names I wanted were taken. I started writing down adventure words and words that sounded kid-like (sprout, roo, wee, kid). I gave up and then hours later I’m like “a-HA! I’ll call it Adventuroo.” Turns out everything happens for a reason because I couldn’t see myself writing under any of my original blog name ideas!

As for Momcomm. I first came up with Momunication but it was too long and didn’t QUITE sit well with me. I wanted the idea of marketing communication to come across somehow since that’s my background. I was asking hubby what he thought and he said, “What about shortening it to Momcomm?” And I knew it was perfect because it played off marcom, which is what the industry calls marketing communication. Brilliant!

Now for some of your responses (by the way I just LOVE reading these… so much variety!):

Kelli from Momma Needs a Beer:
Momma Needs a Beer is a phrase I would occasionally say in the midst of one of *those* days. Like… today! HA! I started my blog on a whim, and that was honestly the first blog-title that popped into my head, and I haven’t looked back!

Hanan from Lilac City Momma:

I live in the Lilac City and I’m a mom, pretty easy huh =P

Nicole from Arrows Sent Forth:

Not long after having our son, my husband and I came across the quote, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth,” from Kahlil Gibran. It summed up our parenting style so well, and particularly why we choose to travel as a family. Since that’s what I blog about, Arrows Sent Forth was born.

Audra from Rediscovering Domesticity:

I knew I wanted to not just do a deal/coupon blog – to do something deeper. I thought about it and prayed about it. I woke up one morning with Rediscovering Domesticity stuck in my head. It stuck!

Jill from Sublime Dream:

I started out as a big sublime fan in jr. High and as I grew up I realized just how much I loved the WORD sublime and it’s meaning. It soon became my moniker for everything- sublime life. It was my reminder to live my life in a way that brought me that sublime feeling. With my blog, the sublime life was taken. And in a grateful twist of fate, I thought of Sublime Dream. Motherhood was always a dream for me, one I once hadn’t thought I’d ever reach.

Finding sublimity in life to me has always been about viewing the good and bad times as a whole big picture and bring able to admire the beauty in it.

I primarily blog about parenting a child with Autism, my own ADHD, and thoughts on those subjects. So to me, my blog is a perfect fit with Sublime dream.

Caitlin from Pacifier in My Pocket:

I wanted to start a blog, but was waiting for the right name. One day I was walking down the hall in my office and found a pacifier in the pocket of my dress pants. It just kind of summed up life as a working Mom to me.

Kristin from Little Mama Jama:

Our pregnancy came as a surprise, as hubby and I were only 23 and had just started grad school. Between being young and quite short in stature, I came up with the “Little.” The “Mama Jama” part came from the song, “She’s a Bad Mama Jama” by Carl Carlton. :)

Rebecca from Because I’m the Mommy:

Because I’m the Mommy was something I heard other parents say to their children and I never wanted to be THAT parent. I never wanted to be a SAHM. That phrase incorporated everything I didn’t want to be–it explained my utter dissatisfaction with where my journey had taken me. The blog has been my way of finding my new identity and finding peace with my new journey.

Robin from Farewell, Stranger:

It started with a Twitter brainstorm with Kris from Pretty All True. Then I started looking at song titles and really liked “Goodbye Stranger” by Supertramp, because my blog started off as my experience with postpartum depression and I didn’t like who I had become as a result. Problem was that song is about a one-night stand or drug addiction (depending on your perspective), so my husband suggested “farewell” instead. And thus Farewell, Stranger was born.

Melissa from Growing Up Geeky:

I am a former math-lete and my husband is an oboe-playing organic chemist. Our kids won’t have a chance at being cool. Simple as that ;)

Jamee from A New Kind of Normal:

I was at a Women of Faith conference and was truly inspired by one of the speakers. She said that sometimes things happen in life and you cannot go back to the way things were. Instead you must find a new kind of normal. Ever since I was diagnosed, I have been on the search to find my new normal hence the name of my blog “A New Kind of Normal”

Nykki from Another Day in Paradise:

I heard this song a long time ago, and it just seems to fit mommy life perfect for us! Talks about everything going wrong or breaking but it’s “just another day in paradise” :)

Shannon from Baby Shmizz:

My nickname in college was Shizzle, and consequently my husband Mike became Mizzle. When my middle sister was in college, she started calling our apartment Hotel Shmizz (she used to use it as a halfway point when she was driving back and forth to home, and would often stay the night). So naturally, when Mike and I were TTC, we nicknamed our phantom baby “Baby Shmizz” and when I decided to start a blog, I thought it was a unique and catchy name.

Amy from Occupation: Mommy:

I had just had my third child when I started my blog, Occupation: Mommy, and I had spent a lot of time filling out forms for doctors and my oldest’s kindergarten. As a stay-at-home mom, I felt like I was more than a housekeeper. Being a mommy is my career right now, and my blog is where I embrace motherhood, encourage mommies, and evade laundry (until the pile threatens to overtake the house).

Janine from Janmary- Welcome to My World:

My blog is Janmary – Welcome to My World – something I say frequently to my husband if he is commenting (complaining!) about something to do with the home or the kids (homeworks forgotten, lost shoes) and I say “tell me about it! Welcome to my world :)  (The Janmary was my first online forum name, and it just kind of stuck!)

Lindsey from

Truth be told I wanted “Outdoor”Mom dot com, but that URL was taken (not that it’s ever actually been used!). was the next best thing. It describes the blog perfectly, a Mom who lives for being outside.

Michelle from Fun on a Dime:

At the time in my life I was finding myself frustrated with the feeling like we couldn’t have fun unless we spent $, whether it was to buy stuff to make or to go out and do something. I looked at all these sites that promoted creativeness, but they were doing it on their own and I often wondered where their kids were when they were off creating. I wished for a site that promoted families spending time together with inexpensive activities…thus, my personal challenge was born. “I challenged myself to try something new to do, that could be free or cost a little, involve my family and do it twice a week. I started posting to keep myself accountable and now have Fun On a Dime

Erin from A Book for My Daughter:

For me, naming my blog was a lot like naming my children—it’s name has taken on a life of it’s own without me fully realizing the impact of it’s identity. My blog was inspired by my daughter who had asked me to write down the advice I often give her, so it seemed logical to name it “A Book for My Daughter.”

Sherrene from The Sugar Tree:

I had already given a name to my decorated sugar cookie hobby just because I really liked it (and ST are both my and husband’s initials!) so when I decided to blog about my cookie adventures I just used the same name so it matched and people that wanted to see my cookies could find it easily.

Michele from Mommy Forward:

I named my blog Mommy Forward after my desire to move my life forward and take better care of myself.

Leslie from Motherhood in Mexico:

My blog’s title was part of the tagline I used before my blog had an official name. After I had been blogging for a year, I figured it was time to get a custom domain and Motherhood in Mexico was the perfect description of my blog. :)

Amber from Click Pray Love:

I just changed my name from Amber’s Articles to @clickpraylove. Once I began considering a permanent domain I asked some friends for input. Courtney of Click It Up a Notch suggested Click.Pray.Love. to focus on the things I blog most about: my photography hobby, my faith in Christ, my love for my family (which includes a whole host of things–children’s activities, recipes, vacations, etc.)

Alison from Embrace Struggle:

I pulled the name “Embrace the Struggle” from the chorus of an El Debarge song called “Joyful.” I just love the part that goes: “I’ve learned to embrace the struggle whether I lose or I win!” It speaks to the reality that we are going to face struggles, so why not embrace them! God will get us through them.

Helena from WP for Moms:

WP for Moms is a shortened version of WordPress For Mommies (which I thought would work well because it sounded like WordPress for Dummies). I wasn’t allowed to use the full name “WordPress” in my URL so I shortened it.

Deb from Home Life Simplified:

My blog name has double meaning it is “home life” simplified as I talk about parenting, household management, routines and systems (personal productivity), but also “home” + “life” simplified as I have a larger goal of simplifying life – changing our mindset, letting go of perfectionism, finding positivity through gratitude, making choices based on your own family’s values rather than what anyone else says or does (including your own parents)

So tell me… How Did Your Blog Get Its Name??

If you answered on my Facebook page after my comment saying I had enough answers, I’d love for you to enter it below, too.

Be sure to like my Facebook page if you want to participate in the next Mashup. Woohoo!

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