10-Minute Touch-Up: Make Someone’s Day (and Make Your Self Known)

10-Minute Touch-Up: Make Someone’s Day (and Make Your Self Known)

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time! Challenge:  Send at least three of your favorite bloggers a note about how much you enjoy reading their blog Why: This is a warm fuzzy challenge-…

What Disney World Can Teach You About Branding Your Blog

What Disney World Can Teach You About Branding Your Blog

I can’t help it. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been in awe of the Disney brand and how Disney manages to stick to their brand when it comes to their parks and resorts. The Disney brand delivers a family-friendly magical experience. That’s what keeps you loyal and their brand strong. Every ounce of the…

Worried about Promoting Your Blog? Remember This Classic Marketing Tip

Worried about Promoting Your Blog? Remember This Classic Marketing Tip

I’m sure something like this has happened to you. I started seeing a post show up in my Facebook feed. The headline was very compelling and when my friends shared it, comments like “amazing!” and “Wow, that’s both incredible and sad!” made me even more curious. But I didn’t click the link to the post that day….

Why Poor Grammar and Spelling Are Bad for Your Blog

Why Poor Grammar and Spelling Are Bad for Your Blog

I know you’ve been told this before but I’ll say it again: proper grammar and spelling matter, even in the blogging world. If that’s a little short on the dramatics, then pretend that statement is in neon-flashing lights for extra emphasis. Just to be clear, bad grammar and spelling is WAY different than using conversational…

5 Things You Shouldn’t Assume about Your Audience

5 Things You Shouldn’t Assume about Your Audience

The other day I sent out my blog’s monthly newsletter. In part of the newsletter, I wanted to remind subscribers they can join my affiliate program. I hesitated at first, wondering if I would annoy my subscribers by telling them something they already knew. “Hey lady, stop telling us. We know! We knoooooow!” After all, I’ve mentioned the…

Using Photos to Enhance Your Blog Posts

Using Photos to Enhance Your Blog Posts

A big welcome to guest blogger Courtney from Click It Up a Notch! She’s a whiz at photography and even does cool photo critiques where readers constructively criticize a reader-submitted photo. Today Courtney’s talking about five great ways to use photos in a blog post. When it comes to blogging and photography you want your photos to enhance…

Get Quick Blog Post Ideas with this Little Tool

Get Quick Blog Post Ideas with this Little Tool

Sometimes it’s hard to come up with things to write about (even if you know all the Content Brew secrets). That’s when something mindless comes in… The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time! Challenge: Use…