Can I Choose How I Email Subscribers with Feedburner?
Today’s question comes from Alissa over at Have Stroller Will Travel:
How do some folks get their feedburner to email subscribers after each new post and for others it is in a digest all at the end of the day?
I’ll admit- Alissa’s question had me stumped at first! So I moseyed over to my Feedburner settings and did some digging.
First things first, if you don’t have your RSS feed burned, you need to do this RIGHT THIS SECOND, missy! I think this is like the third time I’ve written this but for info on how to burn a feed and why it’s important read these two posts: How to Burn a Feed Through Feedburner and Kludgy Mom’s article How to Use Feedburner on Your Blog.
Now, back to the question…
If you have email subscriptions set up through Feedburner, you have delivery options. It’s not what you think, though. ALL emails through Feedburner do a daily digest. So if you post three times in one calendar day (go you!) then your email will have three posts in it. However, if you post once a day or less, your email will only include one post. What are your delivery options then? Time zone and time.
Over on my Adventuroo feed I realized that I was sending my emails out between 1 to 3 am Central time (I’m East coast). Oopsie! I changed it to 9 to 11 am for both Momcomm and Adventuroo because most of my posts go live around 8 am.
So to answer Alissa’s question: nope you can’t chose daily digest vs. one-at-a-time but you CAN chose when your email goes out. If someone has their posts scheduled to email between 5 – 7 pm and they made a post at 12:01 am and then again at 3 pm, their email will have two posts.
BONUS: As I was looking at my email options, I noticed that you can also brand your emails with your own logo, blog colors and more. How cool is that! It’s a great way to brand your email and I plan to add that to my to-do list. Thanks Alissa for getting me digging through Feedburner!
Every Thursday, I answer one of your burning blogging questions. Want to know if there’s a plug-in to do xyz? Stumped on a grammar question? Curious what a certain piece of Twitter lingo is? Let me know! If the question needs too much detail, I’ll turn it into a full Momcomm Monday post.