Spiff Up Your Facebook Fan Page

5 Ways to Spiff Up Your Facebook Fan Page

Has your Facebook page been feeling a little neglected? Or did Timeline throw you for a loop? Well I thought it might be good to run through a few ways you can spiffy up your Facebook fan page so it's just a little more awesome.

Before I get to that though, it's important to knock you off your chair mention that 90% of your fans don't return to your fan page after they've liked it. Yeah, crazy right? But it's still super critical that potential new fans see a nice page that entices them to click “like.” You can even post a status update asking fans to check out your new changes.

So let's walk through seven pretty slick ways you can spiff up your Facebook page:

1. Highlight a Post

If there's a post that you want to stand out on your fan page, consider highlighting it. Highlighting a post makes it span across both columns versus one. The works best if you have an image you can pull across.

Image dimensions:

Width- 843 px

Height- 403 px (max)

To highlight a post: Move your mouse over that post and you'll see a Star and Pencil icon pop up in the top right of that message. Click the Star to highlight the post. Click it again if you wish to unhighlight.

2. Pin a Post to the Top

If there's a post that you want to keep at the top of your fan page, pin it to the top. The pin expires in a week though but you can unpin it any time before that. This could be a promotional message, last chance for a giveaway or anything else you want people to see.

Just note that pinning will not spread it across two columns like highlighting (and you can't pin and highlight the same post).

To pin a post: Click on the Pencil icon and then select “Pin to Top.” It will add a little ribbon marker to that post to show it's been pinned.

3. Update Your Cover Photo

When you update your cover photo, it shows up in your fan's news feed that it's been changed, driving traffic back to your fan page.

Just remember the rules around using cover photos which are essentially that you can't use it to promote or drive action in any way (nor can your URL be in the image). UPDATE: These rules have changed so you CAN now promote and add a call-to-action on your photo. You can use your photo to call out specials or freebies or even just suggest the visitor Like your page.


Width- 851 px

Height- 315 px (max)

To change your cover photo: Just mouse over the photo and the Change Cover button will come up. Then walk through the steps.

4. Change App Images and Titles

The four rectangular images below your profile are what Facebook calls your apps. The photos app can't be moved or altered but the other three that are visible are free reign.

Consider using a program like Shortstack (affiliate link) or just do static HTML to create things like a contact page, page of recent promotions, your latest vlog posts or whatever else you'd like.

For my Momcomm page, I have custom images and calls to action like “Join the Email List!”

To change images and descriptions for apps: Go to your Admin Panel at the top of your page and select Manage>Edit Page. On the left side, click on Apps. Find the app then select “Edit Settings” and you'll see a box to customize the text and a place to upload the custom image.

To add apps to your page: Either use a program like ShortStack (affiliate) or do your own thing by adding the Static HTML app (more advanced).

5. Adjust Description

While it may not be as pretty as the rest, don't forget your description! This is a place to tell the readers what your blog or fan page is all about. I recently added my blog URL into the description as well so it's easy to click on.

To customize your description: Click on that About box from your fan page and you'll come to a screen with your About message. Mouse over it and click the Edit button that appears. Then work your magic.

How else have you customized your fan page?

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