Does My Blog Need a Tagline

Does My Blog Need a Tagline?

A question I get asked over and over is: Does My Blog Need a Tagline?

The short answer is no. You don’t. If you have a blog name that really describes your blog, then you could probably do without.

How to Determine if You Need a Tagline

Go to your blog with the eyes of a new reader. Take 3-5 seconds to look at it and ask yourself “if someone were visiting for the first time, would they know what my blog is about in 3-5 seconds?”

If someone lands on your blog from a search engine, StumbleUpon or somewhere similar, that’s about as long as you have to make your mark. If they’re coming to read a blog post, they’ll stay longer. But will they get what your blog is about from one post? Maybe.

I also think that if your blog is named something like “The Smith Family News” then you need a tagline to entice people. What about your family? Why should people care? What’s interesting about your life? Maybe it’s “Tales about life with all boys” or “Inspiration from a family healing from tragedy.”

Taglines give YOU the opportunity to tell your story instead of the reader having to guess. You put them in the right frame of mind for reading your blog.

For nearly everyone, a tagline will do nothing other than help reinforce your blog brand. Creating a tagline will be one of the hardest things you do for your blog but also one of the most valuable. BUT it’s not required!

What say you? Does your blog have a tagline? Do you think you need one?

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