Find New People to Follow on Twitter

Find New People to Follow on Twitter

Ever wanted to make finding people to follow on Twitter easier? Well, here ya go.

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Challenge: Use the free version of Tweepi to find relevant peeps to follow.

Why: Well following interesting people is good for your Twitter soul. Plus, they will likely follow you back. Win-win!

How to Do It

Tweepi is a neat little tool that can make it easier to manage your Twitter account. While you can do a whole host of things with it, I'm focusing on just a few that can help build your following. Head over to Tweepi then follow these steps.

1. Click Sign Up, then Scroll Down to Free Package.

It's a small section underneath the paid options. Login with Twitter to set up your account.

2. Take a look at the Dashboard.

You can do all sorts of things here, but let's focus on the Follow New Tweeps section.


3. Click Follow Followers.

This lets you pick a Twitter handle, then follow people who are following them. I might pick someone I admire or a bigger company or brand that aligns to my audience, like Social Media Examiner. Here I picked my friend Fadra. While I could do this in Twitter as well, this lets me see each person's follower count and how active they are at tweeting.


To make it even easier, go under options and check “Hide users I'm already following.” That way I don't have to sift through people I already follow.


To see more about a person, click the little “i” and their bio will pop-up.

Follow 10 people for now, then head back to the Dashboard.

4. Click Follow Friends.

This one is the opposite. This time I want to see who Social Media Examiner follows, not who follows them. I like to select brands and larger publications for this one. They typically follower way fewer people than follow them, so it's always interesting to see who's “worthy” enough for a follow back.

Follow 10 people for now, then head back to the Dashboard.

5. Follow List.

It's annoying to navigate people's lists on Twitter. This little feature makes it so easy. I typically choose someone I find influential, then see what lists they have. Here you can see I did this on myself:


From there, I'll bring up the list of Twitter peeps and you can follow people til you start getting cross-eyed.

Your Turn

Have you ever used Tweepi?

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