Freebie Time: Background Patterns

Freebie Time: Background Patterns

Thanks for following along this week as my book, Blog Design for Dummies, makes its way into bookstores. So far, you can get a chance to win a copy of my book by attending next week’s Twitter party (RSVP here!), grab some fun blog buttons to promote the book (with your affiliate link if you choose) and you can mosey over to see my new designy Pinterest boards.

Today, grab some free background pattern tiles I designed for you! Seven colors packaged up in a Zip file. Oooh pretty.

To use these on your blog, simply upload your color of choice to your background and select the option to tile the image. Tiling simply repeats the image to fill your entire background. The result is a nice seamless background like so:


If you love your blog background, then try one on Twitter!

Twitter-backgroundTo download the patterns, just visit the product page and download ’em! And even if you can’t use them, pin them from the product page for someone who can!

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