How Do I Use a Custom Font for My Blog Post Titles

How Do I Use a Custom Font for My Blog Post Titles?

Today’s question comes from Jill over at The Prairie Homestead:

I’d love to know how to make headers for my blog posts using custom fonts. How do I do that?

As you can see, I have a custom font for my blog titles here. It adds an extra touch of branding, which I love.

I’ll give you two ways to do this: one’s easy and one’s hard. The reason I’m even bothering with telling you the hard way is that it’s the only one I’ve actually tried.

The Hard Way

If you wanna try the painful way (the way I did), you have to mess with your CSS file. Here’s the tutorial I used. It’s a video and fairly easy to follow. It’s for the Thesis theme but the process is the same for other WordPress themes. Just know where you put the files on your service and put the code listed into your .css file (disregard when they talk about open hook). I would type out a tutorial but I have to give credit where credit is due. Plus, a video is much better anyway, right?

To get the correct font formats so they’re able to be read on the web, you can do it one of two ways. If you don’t have a particular font in mind, you can use FontSquirrel, pick out a font then download the @fontface file. If you have a certain font in mind (like mine above), you’ll need to upload it to the @fontface kit generator. Either way, you’ll end up with a kit of font files that you can then upload to your server like she did in the video linked above. Then just follow the rest of the steps in the video.

WHEW! How about an easier way?

The Easy Way

Enter Typekit. I haven’t used Typekit personally (but I’ve heard great things about them). It works with WordPress and as long as you have under 25,000 impressions a month (most of us do, right?), it’s free. You can’t use any font you want but they have a lot to chose from. I watched a video tutorial from here that walks you through the process. Looks pretty nifty and I might try it for Adventuroo!

Seriously, I’d try to the easy way with Typekit… they even say it’s the easiest. 🙂

For you Blogger folks, this seems like a easy-to-follow tutorial. I’d love to hear how it works.

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