How to Screenshot an Entire Webpage
NOTE: Snapito is no longer a service, so try Grabz.It instead!
During the writing of Blog Design for Dummies, I took LOTS of screenshots. I can’t tell you how many tricks I tried to squeeeeeeeze more of a webpage into one screenshot: zooming out, removing toolbars, yada yada. But I was doing things the hard way.
While you can find more than one option out there to take full page screenshots, I stumbled upon Snapito and have been using it ever since! (Pssst I just learned you can do full screenshots in Windows 7 too with the Snipping Tool but still, no option for Macs). You can take screenshot an entire page in two snazzy ways.
Option 1: Use the Snapito Website
Go to Snapito‘s website. In the URL field, just enter the website URL that you want to screenshot then click Snap! The screenshot then loads within the website. To save, right-click the image and select Save Image As… If you don’t care to see the screenshot preview first, then instead of clicking Snap!, click the arrow beside it and select Download from the drop-down. Snapito automatically downloads the image to your computer. Very slick!
Option 2: Take a Screenshot Directly from Any Webpage
If bookmarklets give you warm fuzzies, then you can also take a screenshot of an entire webpage this way. Just drag the Take Web Screenshot bookmarklet to your browser bar. Then, next time you’re on a page you want to capture, click the bookmarklet and the screenshot automatically downloads to your computer. Easy peasy.
If you’re a Pinterest pinning machine, then try the Pin Page (which pins part of a page) and Pin Full Page bookmarklets. These can be great for things like saving a blog or website you like or pinning examples of great blog design to a secret or public board.
Snapito is by no means perfect. For example, you can see below that in Facebook, a login prompt will cover your cover photo (even if you’re logged in. I also had a little trouble with Snapito messing with the navigation menu bar on my personal blog Adventuroo. Boo hiss.
While Snapito isn’t perfect, it does the trick. If you ever need to take a full page screen capture, then give it a try!