
If {Blank} Were a Blogger…

You ever have one of those ideas in the back of your head that just won’t go away?

Well sometimes you just gotta go for it.

If {Blank} Were a Blogger isn’t a major, blog-altering sort of idea, but it’s one I’ve been sitting on trying to figure out how to make it fun, not cheesy! (Though I cannot guarantee a complete lack of cheese.)

So, what is it?

About every two weeks, I’ll re-do a famous quote (from a person, movie, song) and pretend whoever said it was a blogger. Some may be funny, some may elicit just a chuckle and some may even be a little more serious. I’ll also elaborate a little about the quote as well.

This could be fun, right? RIGHT?

Here’s your inaugural quote re-do!

When things suck, we often reach out to the bloggy world for support. It can be pretty cathartic to write about all the lemons we get, even if we never hit publish.

I could even keep going on this quote and sneak in the words “… or a Facebook post or a tweet.” Because even if your blog is too-niche for a lemony sort of post, you probably let it out somewhere in the social space. After all, some virtual sympathy is pretty much like lemonade.

I’d love to hear what you think about my new feature here on Momcomm! And pins are like sweet, sweet lemonade so pinning this would be insanely awesome too.

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