Just Be Still

Just Be Still

This week’s 10-Minute Touch Up is just a liiiiiiittle bit different this week. I don’t know if it’s because my birthday is around the corner or if it’s the holidays coming up, but I’m feeling the need to be a little more zen then my usual go-go-go-never-stop persona. Because after a while, that’s just not productive any more… the words don’t come out, the ideas stammer, and we end up reading Buzzfeed instead of getting crap done.

Challenge: Be still for 10 minutes. No, really.

Why: Because you need to. You’re a blogger. You’re constantly checking off a to-do list, jotting down ideas you don’t have time to bring to life, working on sponsored posts, pitching, tweeting, pinning, emailing, writing. On and on.

Especially as bloggers, we’re in constant multi-tasking mode. Multiple tabs. Inbox-stalking. Consuming, consuming, consuming… articles, videos, tweets, instagrams, e-books.

I don’t know about you, but we’re traveling for Thanksgiving and taking time off work. You know what my initial thought was? “Good- I’ll have some extra time to catch up on blog projects.”

*shake my head*

While I still might do a little blog stuff, THIS is what I should have said: “Good- I get to spend more time with my family.”

When was the last time you sat and stared out a window? Or laid in bed to clear your mind? I’m guessing the majority of your downtime is staring at your phone, the TV, or a book. Now, none of this is bad per se, but you’re still consuming.

Instead, give your mind a chance to purge the blog ideas, TV storylines, the song lyrics, and engrossing book characters.

The more often we can give ourselves a chance to be still, the more easily it’ll be to truly take time away from blogging and social media when it really matters most. AND the more likely you’ll make headspace for being more productive when you DO get back to work. So consider this your recital. 🙂

How to Do It

I’m not promising any big epiphanies or grand ideas right away. Though I always find when I’m away from the computer or phone is when some of my best ideas or solutions come. I am promising that you’ll feel more clear-headed after you spend 10 minutes letting your mind and body quiet the heck down. And you’ll find you get more done.

There’s no one way to center yourself and be still, but here are some suggestions:

  • Lay on your bed.
  • Do legs up the wall.
  • Sit cross-legged.
  • Go into child’s pose.
  • Stand still in the shower.
  • Stare out a window (cup of coffee optional).

With work, kids – um, LIFE – it’s often hard to find time. But even 10 minutes in the morning or evening when everyone else is asleep can do wonders.

I’d like to leave you with a quote that I stumbled upon. It’s sticking with me. And I’m going to repeat it in my head over the holidays when I need a break from the chaos of doing a thousand things. I’m one restless chick (just ask my hubby) and I want to master the stillness.

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