October Challenge: Are You Ready to Periscope With Purpose

October Challenge: Are You Ready to Periscope With Purpose?

“I’m not a video girl.”

That’s what I said… about vlogging, about YouTube, about being on television. *TERRIFIED*

That is… until Periscope!

Whether you’re terrified of video or revel in it, Periscope is a GAME-CHANGER. In ALL CAPS, no less.

A while back I tried to get into G+ as it was new and growing. I wanted to be an early adopter, but G+ just wasn’t fun. (Glad I didn’t try too hard.) Periscope? It’s FUN, addicting, and sure to only grow exponentially.

If you give Periscope a try, you might end up loving it like me. And what better way to give something a try than with the collective power and support of fellow bloggers and entrepreneurs? More on THAT in a sec, but first…

What’s Periscope?

periscope-iconPeriscope is a live broadcasting mobile app owned by Twitter. “Scopers” can broadcast to their audience live while the viewers interact with them by giving them hearts or leaving comments. Replays of a broadcast can be watched for 24 hours.

Now about that Challenge

If you’ve ever asked yourself “What do I scope about?” then this challenge is for you! During the entire month of October, I’ll guide you along with prompts that fit ANY niche. But even before that, I’ll give you an idea of what to think about BEFORE you start the challenge.

My biggest beef with so many challenges out there (talking blog challenges especially) is that you end up just rambling about a random topic that has nothing to do with what you blog about. That’s why this challenge is called Periscope with PURPOSE. The entire month is about using Periscope to improve your know-like-trust factor. It’s 31 days of you getting better at scoping, more comfortable in front of the camera, and building an audience who knows YOU are the go-to person for your topics.

Here’s a peek at all the prompts…


How the Periscope with Purpose Challenge Works

1. Join the challenge by entering your email here!

You’ll get a daily email reminding you of the prompt, plus ideas to make it work for the topics YOU love to talk about.

2. Scope Daily (or as often as you can) + Use the hashtag #PeriscopewithPurpose

Mention that you’re participating in Periscope with Purpose and HAVE FUN. You’re going to rock these scopes!

3. Leave your scope’s URL in the daily link up

I will create a page where you can drop the URL of your daily scope into a link up for others to watch if they didn’t catch you live. Since scopes last 24 hours, I’ll keep two days’ worth of link ups at a time so you can post a scope at night and still have it seen the next day.

4. Drop some heart bombs

Hearts are the currency of Periscope (if you have no idea what that means, I’ll explain next week in a Periscope for Beginners post!). When you add your scope URL to the link up, drop at least TWO heart bombs. Pick the person above you and come back to get the person below you. Do others if you’re feeling extra heart-y.

Who’s Ready to Do This?

Ready to jump in as an early adopter of this new platform? Sign up here!

And of course, I’d love it if you’d tweet about it!

UPDATED: Please be sure to sign up for the challenge with the link above “Sign up here!” You can also put your profile URL in the comments so others can follow you, or to show how dang excited you are, but that’s totally optional!

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