Pick Which Facebook Pages to See with This Mobile Feature

Pick Which Facebook Pages to See with This Mobile Feature

Oh, Facebook. We love to hate you.

While that may be true, they released a small but mighty feature on the mobile app recently that you’ll dig!

The 10-Minute Touch Up is a quick, weekly challenge to get you DOING, not just reading about doing. Consider it a way to touch up your blogging just 10 minutes at a time!

Challenge: Use Facebook’s new News Feed Preferences (on mobile) to choose the top pages that YOU want to see in your feed (and share this post so others know how to put your page on THEIR list)!

Why: We all know by now Facebook limits reach so we don’t necessarily see the posts of the pages we follow. But now it’s easy to do by prioritizing what you see in your feed. Suh-weet!

You can prioritize pages or profiles, but there’s a limit to 30 total. So for updates from family and friends, I set Facebook so I get a notification when they post, then use this neat little trick for just pages.

How to Do It

It’s super duper easy. The instructions are for the iPhone, but I’m sure Android is about the same. (If not, let me know in the comments!).

1. Open your Facebook mobile app and tap More at the bottom right of your screen.

2. From there, tap News Feed Preferences.


3. Smile because there’s a happy crab on your screen, then tap Prioritize who to see first.


4. Scroll (and scroll) until you start seeing brand pages other than your own.

It honestly took me a while to scroll through to start seeing brand pages and I even limit my Facebook friends. If you friend every person in the universe, then it’s about to bite you in the butt.

Once you start seeing page icons, just tap which pages you want to show up in your feed. They’ll pop into a bar at the bottom so you can see which ones you selected (though next time you go in, there will just be stars on your faves and the bottom bar will reset).prioritizing-facebook-faves

4. See the result of your “hard” work.

Any time a prioritized page makes a post, you’ll see it at the TOP of your feed with a star beside it.

Yay for Costa Rica being featured– I’m half tica 🙂


Your Turn

Did you do it? I’ve had mine running for about a week now and it’s been refreshing to actually see so many posts from my favorite pages, especially all those beautiful REI images!

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