Picmonkey Font Combinations
Just about every blogger on the planet has used Picmonkey at one time or another.
While you can whip up a cute design in a jiffy (did I really just say “jiffy”?), you might get stuck when it comes to picking out fonts. Some fonts clash while others look fabulous together. In my book Blog Design for Dummies, I talk about how to multiple ways you can pair fonts, from general pointers to more technical ones. But sometimes it’s just nice to have the work done for you, especially when you’re in a time crunch.
So I hope you get a lot of use out of these seven font pairings. All of the fonts shown here are available with the free version of Picmonkey too. Score!
Want more font inspiration? Follow me on Pinterest. I have blog design boards for fonts, colors and more. Oh yeah.
This post contains an affiliate link, but of course I only blog about products I recommend… like PicMonkey!